got a couple of questions regarding basICColor 5 that I am currently using with my i1Display Pro.
I created various profiles for 2 different monitors, using either L* (D65) or sRgb (D65) as tonal response curves with either Bradford or Cat02 (as chromatic adaptation), or a standard 6500K, Gamma 2.2, 120cd/m…
(1.) Out of all combinations or variations, the L* tonal response (recommended by basICColor) curve always ends up with the smallest dE values - and Bradford always scores better than Cat02…
Is this similar for you guys ? So, is this the response curve I should use ?
(2.) Regarding the target Luminance: one of my monitors has a max. luminance output of app. 189 cd/m2 - when I target 120 cd/m2 in the calibration I always get higher dE than the “sweet spot” I found (by trial and error) which is 160 cd/m2 for this specific monitor (giving me lowest dE)…
What’s general standard procedure for determining and specifying the target luminance for a monitor in the calibration setup ?
(3.) The software itself confuses me sometimes. When I get the final report after a successful calibration and I close the report, it goes back to the software interface showing again a few numbers of the just performed calibration - BUT: these numbers now differ (!) from the ones it just reported to me via the final report…
Why is that ?
Also, when I immediately run Validation after a successful calibration, the numbers will differ again… Is that because the i1Display Pro reports different values every time (b/c of heat etc.) ?
Thanks for your input !
- M