CMYK to CMYK Conversions

I would like some thoughts on CMYK to CMYK conversions. We receive about 80% of our file in CMYK. If a file has a profile embedded then I convert to our press CMYK. If no profile is embedded we usually try to assign the best looking profile and then convert to our press CMYK. Before I started doing this I had less than stellar results. Since adopting this workflow I have had great success. Am I doing the right thing?

This is how we do it sort of. We have worked out a flow chart that we
give our operators. Gives them a guide if its RGB or CMYK but
basically we look carefully when making the conversions and if we
have one that falls apart using our profile we dont say they have to
use it absolutely


On Jan 23, 2006, at 6:25 PM, Rob Taraboletti wrote:

I would like some thoughts on CMYK to CMYK conversions. We receive
about 80% of our file in CMYK. If a file has a profile embedded
then I convert to our press CMYK. If no profile is embedded we
usually try to assign the best looking profile and then convert to
our press CMYK. Before I started doing this I had less than stellar
results. Since adopting this workflow I have had great success. Am
I doing the right thing?

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Thanks. We also are selective about when we do the conversions. Any chance of e-mailing a copy of the flow chart you use?