CT Pro Crashes when exporting video

CT Pro crashes every time I try to render a video file of a 3D graph. The error message when it crashes says this:

Runtime Error 4: Failed Assertion
Press OK to Continue
Press Cancel to Quit

Please report what caused this error
along with the information below

runPicture.cpp: 195
Failed Condition: theGfx

Anyone else have this problem? I can’t find any other posts for it in the forum.

Hendersonville, Tennessee

I contacted Paul off the forums and found that he was running the original 3.0 version of ColorThink Pro.

Once he upgraded to the latest beta, this issue was solved.

For all who are interested, we highly recommend running the latest beta of ColorThink Pro until we come out with the actual 3.0.1 version. These recent “beta” versions are actually very stable, with lots of improvements, are faster (!), and … well, you’ll just like it a lot better.