While setting RGB gains with the Color Eyes/DTP94, I get the follow error: Error #3000; File"\sRGB Color Space Profile.icm’ not found. However, the file does exist in C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color and I changed the attribute such that the folder is not read only. After the error appears, the program then quits. Any help will be appreciated; this is my first attempt at monitor profiling.
That error does not sound familiar to me. Could you give some more information? Are you on XP or Vista, 32 bit or 64, Service Pack 1, 2 or 3?
Which version of ColorEyes are you using?
Hello Rick
Although I received the error, I restarted the progam, skipped the gains setting procedure and generated a profile anyway. Starting with this baseline profile, I no longer get the error #3000 as mentioned above.
However, I noticed that while setting the RGB gains there seems to be a timeout by the software, meaning that if I take too long to set the gains the software closes that specific window; I do not get the choice to stop the process as the software does it for me. Is this expected?
I am not getting a timeout on my version of CEDPro. (I let it sit on the gains area for 12 minutes or more.) How long does it take before you get this timeout error? Does it happen every time or just once in a while?