How to Gave Print on GMG by using Curve generated by Cruve 4 Software


I am writing to seek your support regarding an issue we with the GMG proofer. Recently, we created a correction curve using Curve 4 software after measuring the linear P2P Print, and we are looking to print Verification Chart by using this curve on our GMG proofer. However, we have not been able to locate the option within GMG to apply this correction curve for our printing process.

Could anyone please guide us on how to integrate and utilize the correction curve created in Curve 4 within the GMG proofer? Any detailed instructions or resources you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Or is there any other way we used to print the chart by using the Curve 4 Correction curve.

My understanding is that GMG is sort of a closed system, and does not allow for a correction from outside their system. We have always been open to working with different RIP manufacturers, to make it easier to move between Curve and the RIP, but it rather depends on whether the RIP manufacturer wants to work with us. So far, I don’t believe we have gotten what we need to work with the GMG RIP, although I believe there has been some discussion between us.

In general, I’ll say all of our versions of Curve through the years has had the ability to make corrections to RIPs - as long as the RIP has some basic function that allows an input/output lookup table to make correction curves for CMYK. Most RIPs allow this in some form or another. It’s a mystery to me why some still don’t have this capability - especially since G7 and now G7+ have become so widespread in the industry.

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I would talk to the super helpful guys at gmg. They can help you bake a custom “profile” within their software. You probably have an SUC which would, I think, cover this. Try my old friend
He is super helpful.
Please feed back here how it goes.

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Hi Muzamil,
GMG ColorProof uses a “calibrated colorspace” (comes with GMG-media calibrations, or you can make your own). The calibrated colorspace does not need to be created using G7 (if you are setting up a custom media). Generally, it is the “proof standard” that determines the color of your output and whether or not it complies with G7. However, if you do wish to “G7” the calibrated space, you can use the “More Parameters” tab of the ProfileEditor to install curve values. By default, you will see 3 fulcrums: 0-50-100. You can add fulcrums and then define the output values for each channel based on the index (input) value. You would then use the modified MX4 to produce your calibrated gamut chart (probably either TC4 or IT8.7/4) Contacting you local GMG support contact is a great suggestion as they can help you with this and any other questions about your GMG solutions. - Marc