Monaco Optix RX Pro Question: When would I need to match?

I just purchased a Monaco Optix RX Pro from Chromix. I see there’s an option to match profiles. (I have about 5-6 different monitors.)

Why would I need to use this option?

I thought just profiling them to 6500k and 2.2 gamma would mean that they are all already closely matched.

Can someone explain?

There are predominantly two main ways to calibrate and standardize monitors for the best viewing and matching.

  1. The most common way is to calibrate each monitor is to a standard set of parameters. The main parameters are White Point, Gamma and Luminance. Typically White Point should settle at 6500K or 5000K. Gamma should most always start at or near 2.2. Luminance (aka brightness) needs to be within a reasonable range of ~85 cd/m2 to ~120 cd/m2 (we usually recommend starting at 100 cd/m2 and then go from there depending on needs or preferences).
    When you calibrate your monitor with the same set of parameters at every interval (usually a minimum of once a month depending on age and grade), you should achieve stability and consistency over time.

The key difference from this method and the one I’m about to explain is that the above method optimizes each monitor to it’s optimal performance and capability. When you have different models, quality and ages of monitors, this is usually the best method.

  1. The second and more difficult method is to match the Luminance value between different models. Some call this ‘Multiple Monitor Matching’, but I tend to refer to it as ‘Luminance Synchronization’ as that best describes what’s done.
    You would need to first determine or know the Luminance levels of each monitor by measuring each. Once known, you then would calibrate each monitor (as above with a standard set of parameters), but instead using the weakest monitors Luminance as the Luminance Target Reference for the other monitors. Using this method, the same file shown by your monitors should all look fairly identical if done correctly.

But, there are two problems with this method…
The first problem is that you end up dummying down the ‘better & stronger’ monitors for the sake of the weaker monitor. The second problem is that its a LOT more work for you. Not only are you calibrating each monitor, but now you need to be able to maintain a reasonable tolerance and balance between the differing aspects of each monitor. It’s no secret that an older monitor will require more frequent calibration as it degrades at a different rate from a new one of the same grade. Also, differing grades of monitors (consumer, prosumer, commercial, etc.) will also have different rates of decline. ! This would be the equivalent to juggling several moving variables at the same time. Your maintenance cycle could be once a week or sooner!
Very few demanding environments could justify thiselaborate process (and expense of time). Even ifevery color specialist was editing the same colors within the same file on different monitors, I would still first recommend the first, above procedure.

This is probably more than you wanted to hear, but I hope this helps answer your question.

oRick Hatmaker, CHROMiX

On Nov 21, 2007, at 1:31 PM, tqc4869 wrote:

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Thanks Rick. I guess then what I did (getting them to calibrate to a set standard in the Monaco Optix RX) is fine then.