Paper size for ColorValet Pro ColorShuttle targets

I have some papers that only have an 8x10 version, but the targets appear to be designed for 8.5 x 11 letter.

When I print to 8x10, I appear to get everything but the text on the bottom, and the diamonds on the right. I know the text on the bottom missing is not a problem. How about the black diamonds on the right?

By the way, ColorShuttle 3.1b3 is reporting to me that Version 3.2b2 is available, but when I click it, it just goes to a page ( that says “ColorShuttle… coming soon”. I cannot find any place else to download the new version.


The ColorValet Pro service is intended for the regular 8.5 x 11 letter-sized sheet. It can also accommodate the international “A4” size which is similar. We don’t have anything in place right now to have it print to a smaller size, although we have built in quite a bit of lee-way in the target layout. Much of the bottom and top can be cut off - we need the bottom rows (yellow is the last one on the bottom) and we need the big, long, black bar across the top.
We do need all of the diamonds on both sides.

Theoretically, you should be able to print this target on 8 x 10 if you can adjust the margins. Perhaps use a negative left margin number to center the target so both sets of diamonds are printed?

The following link will always be active for downloading the latest beta:

For Mac: