White Point Question

Newbie question:

I purchased the MonacoOPTIX XR from you guys a while back and had a question. When adjusting the white point, should I be manipulating the computer driver’s gamma, brightness, or contrast values? I’m not sure because I have 4 monitors in my office that I use for photography editing and despite configuring, they all seem to look different. :T

At 4:11 AM -0700 5/26/05, consumedsoul wrote:

Newbie question:

I purchased the MonacoOPTIX XR from you guys a while back and had a question. When adjusting the white point, should I be manipulating the computer driver’s gamma, brightness, or contrast values? I’m not sure because I have 4 monitors in my office that I use for photography editing and despite configuring, they all seem to look different. :T

when adjusting the white point the contrast setting is the one you want on CRTs. That will allow you to adjust the overall brightness of the white point. Many CRTs also have RGB controls that allow you to control the color balance of the white point. We suggest adjusting these controls as part of the calibration process so you monitor’s behavior is as close to your target as possible.

Now, if we are talking about LCD’s then you want to adjust the Brightness control. This affects the output of the backlight and therefore the overall brightness of the white point. Just the opposite of CRT’s!

I talk about this a bit in myth #14 in our ColorNews newsletter issue #13




o Steve Upton CHROMiX www.chromix.com
o (hueman) 866.CHROMiX

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